Friday, April 1, 2011

Historical Edmonton

If I were to make an archive to represent my idea of Edmonton, I would probably include:

1.) Letters from Hudson Bay Company in the area from the founding of the Fort

2.) Photos of the opening of Old Scona Academic High School, which was the first home of the University (and is also my reluctant alma mater)

3.)The first Gateway newspaper

4.) A list of Edmonton residents who died in WW1/WW2

5.) Darrin Hagen's book.

Nobody said that the archive had to make sense. Just saying.


  1. Holler at the juxtaposition between the letters from fort ed and "The Edmonton Queen." Made me imagine settlers of the fort attempting drag - and im sure they were no less glamorous.

  2. Very interesting list - especially the inclusion of letters from Fort Edmonton. But if I'm not mistaken, Fort Edmonton was peripheral to the First Nations people and their settlements. It moved (several times) to accommodate them rather than vice versa occurring. So who takes centre stage and who remains peripheral?

    Also, sometimes The Gateway includes letters from the past - they're awesome!
