Thursday, March 17, 2011

Where the Wild Things Are Sometimes

It is easy to complain about lack of nature in Edmonton, but the fact is that we live in a city, and as far as cities go, I actually think Edmonton is doing pretty well on the nature front. Most places in the city attempt to integrate trees and plant life into urban settings, and I believe overall this is done fairly well across the board, with the exception of some of the industrial areas.

I have previously ranted extensively on the virtues of our river valleys, so I won't bore you by going into that again. One feature I have noticed myself focusing on is tree lined streets. I am in the middle of an apartment hunt with a friend, and every time I find an apartment, I immediately go to Google street view to see whether there are trees along the street. The street I live on now does not have them, but somehow it has become one of my key criteria in finding a place to live. I was even willing to accept living in a particularly shifty part of town just because the street had trees.

I like being able to see nature in my everyday urban existence; I think it's healthy for people. It keeps you grounded in reality of the world around, serves as a reminder of the importance of sustainability, and I also think it helps with seasonal affected disorder. Can you imagine going through an Edmonton winter without seeing trees or the river valley or squirrels or hares? Now that would really bum me out. So thank God and City Hall for the wonderful trees!


  1. Without some sign of nature I think a city would be a very bleak and boring concrete jungle. Even the biggest, most bustling cities in the world such as London, New York, etc., have parks located within their parameters. There definitely is something about seeing a sign of nature that is homey and comfortable

  2. I am interested to know what are your thoughts on the updated Churchill Square??

  3. I agree that the tree-lid streets are wonderful in Edmonton, but I feel that this appreciation is a rare thing in Edmontonians. Over the past few drought-riddled years, countless trees have been destroyed due to neighbourhood negligence. So if you and your friend to find a tree-lined street to live on, forget about watering grass and petunias, and give some H2O love to the trees.
